How to clear recently viewed resources on Azure

Have you ever wondered, how to remove the ‘recent resources’ list from the Azure home page. In this bog, I will walk you through clearing up the recent resources list by using the Azure ‘Recent’ service.

Type ‘recent’ in the search bar.

Click ‘clear’ to clear out the recent viewed resources.

The resource list has been cleared.

As we can see, the ‘recent resources’ section is not longer showing up on the Azure home page.

5 thoughts on “How to clear recently viewed resources on Azure”

  1. Very helpful, I was having a hard time looking into how to clear that and did not realise it was that easy. Thank you Kazi!

  2. This doesn’t work for me. The ‘clear’ button is not appeared on the top of the ‘recent resources’ list

  3. This doesn’t work for me. The ‘clear’ button is absent in ‘recent resources’ list.
    Using “Portal Settings – My Information – Restore Default Settings” instead

  4. Hi Adbul Kazi,

    Until days ago I used this function to clear the ā€˜recent resourcesā€™, but now the ‘Clear’ button is not appeared on the top.

    I did the “Retore Defaul Setting” using Portal Setting but the Clear button is absent

    Do you know if the Microsoft remove this option?


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