Microsoft recently updated the content of Exam AZ-104: Microsoft Azure Administrator along with the exam skills guide, which provide a comparison table for the former and new study guide.
Azure-Administrator-Associate-certification-journeySkills measured
- The content of this exam was updated on March 26, 2021. Please download the exam skills outline below to see what changed.
- Manage Azure identities and governance (15-20%)
- Implement and manage storage (15-20%)
- Deploy and manage Azure compute resources (20-25%)
- Configure and manage virtual networking (25-30%)
- Monitor and back up Azure resources (10-15%)
Learning paths
- AZ-104: Prerequisites for Azure administrators
- AZ-104: Manage identities and governance in Azure
- AZ-104: Implement and manage storage in Azure
- AZ-104: Deploy and manage Azure compute resources
- AZ-104: Configure and manage virtual networks for Azure administrators
- AZ-104: Monitor and back up Azure resources
Good luck and happy studying!